Monday, October 12, 2009

Art Every Day Month

Evidentally, here in blogland, November is A.E.D.M, or, Art Every Day Month.

You can click on the image above to take you to the site where it is explained in full!

The goal is to create or work on some sort of art every day... and then document it here in your blog!

I will definitely be participating!!!

(on a side note, it's also NaNoWriMo, or, National Novel Writing Month (in which you are supposed to write a novel, in a month)... those of you who are truly daring can try both!)

I am also going to participate in Creative Every Day... which gives you a "theme" for the month as inspiration... mostly these are just boosts to get more artwork done... and since I just started "craft day" once a week with a friend... well, I figure this is the perfect opportunity!

The link for both of these is in my sidebar :) Enjoy!

I also recently just found out about ACEOs, or "Art Cards, Editions and Originals"
Evidentally this has become quite the trend... the rules are that they have to be trading card size (3.5 X 2.5 inches) and that you make them with the intent to trade (although I see a lot of people selling them now, I'm pretty sure the original intent was for artists to trade small samples of their work)

Here is a link to a site that talks about them:

I think I might have to make a couple of these as well!!

Finally (maybe, I just keep adding on to this post!) here is a weekly Illustration challenge:

I love the challenges I've listed in this blog because they don't demand a commitment from you... you're allowed to participate when inspiration strikes... and they aid that a little by giving you a "theme" to think about.

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