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First off, Thank You!!!! to
KnittingTurnip for her LOVELY PIF Giveaway prize!! Here are some pictures of the little cutie she sent me!

Next, my Mom sews purses... more to the point, she sews bags for other people, lickity split, but if one of her kids wants one, we have to hound her and hound her and wait for months and months.
So, after months of waiting, and repeated asking "Is it done yet?! Is it done yet?!" She finally finished my purse... and I LOVE IT!!!!

I chose all the fabrics, except the base fabric... which is evidentally Hand-dyed
Ricky Tims fabric that she had laying around for ages!
The inside is lined with little pockets and it has a solid bottom... and in general, is just a very useful purse!! Have I mentioned I love it?
Now for some random "What's in/on Heather's purse?" items :)
What's that dangling from my purse?! It's a hand sculpted little leather dog!! SO CUTE!

And also Skelanimal bat that I ran out and purchased after reading Kelly's (
Yesterday's Glitter) post about them. I bought the little bat... PERFECT for Halloween!

Inside my purse you'll find a change purse I bought directly after seeing
Ponyo... which, btw, is the most disgustingly cute, feel-good, adorable movie I've seen in a while.

And... girls... if you don't want the boys stealing your Nintendo DS... just make it look like this:

So, THANK YOU, KnittingTurnip... and THANK YOU, Mom!!!!!