Alrighty, so I drew up this new pattern, and oh boy is it going to need some work, lol :)
Here's my new little bear, a Strawbearry, if you will:
Now, I kept the arms and legs from the old pattern, because essentially I wasn't making the bear any taller... what I didn't count on was that I was making his little body a lot fatter... which means the arms just aren't long enough anymore, and the legs could stand to be a little bigger too.
The body... initially... looked silly as heck... but I modified the pattern slightly after I'd cut it out and sewn it... and now it's just the way I wanted it to be!
As for the head... well... yeah, I visualized THAT pattern all wrong... while I do like the head I ended up with... its pretty cute... it was not at ALL what I was seeing in my wee little it's back to the drawing board on that one too.
I *really* like the cute little printed cotton ear and feet bits... I'm wondering if I should add paw pads too?... I was also thinking of making one with a cotton body and mohair head and limbs... or something like that. I'm not sure... but I may just leave it at ear and paw pads.
This little bear will probably get a new ribbon too... this is just what I had in front of me, and he looked like he wanted *something* to wear.