Friday, November 6, 2009

New Bear from a New Pattern! (again...)

So here's the deal... I ordered a mohair kit off etsy that someone had put together that was meant to make bears from their pattern for bears. The kit didn't come with the pattern... but pretty much my brain said "Hey! 3 pieces of mohair, eyes, joints and embellishments all for under $25?! Sign me up!" So I bought it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I expected them to be small pieces of mohair for that price... but after my initial purchase, I kind of didn't think about it anymore.

Then the mohair arrived, and my brain yelled at me "HEY! These are SMALL pieces... you don't have a pattern this small!!! IDIOT!" Thankfully, my brain quickly forgave me, though, and set to work on making a small pattern.

Now I have a little bear who stands roughly 6 inches tall (now... at this point you might be saying, "Wait a minute, Heather... don't MOST of your bears stand about 6 inches tall?!" and you would be correct... my bears so far have been about 6-8 inches... so how I managed to draw this one and think "Oh yeah, he's small!" I have no idea... but his pattern fits on the mohair pieces, and that's what counts!)

He was a lot cuter yesterday before the 'incident'... I had decided this bear should have a stitched nose... and it all went swimmingly, until the LAST stitch... in which someone started talking to me and I pushed the needle out through his cheek when I looked away for a second! I could have wept.

So out came his stitched nose, and up rose my level of aggrivation, and he ended up with a needle-felted nose that just doesn't look as cute as the stitched one did.

Oh well :) This one was just a practice run before I cut into the mohair, anyways. So, without further ado, here's my latest little bear:

Who is this? A Koala?

No... not quite!

It's a little bear! (shocking, right?)

Heather thought I was a 'little' bear... but look at that bear to hand ratio! Heather is an idiot.

It's ok though, I'm still small... and let me tell you, being small ROCKS!

I can stand up and Heather has no clue!

I can sit down and Heather has no clue!

Aww man... my life is boring.

Don't feel too bad for this guy, he's all melodrama because I haven't given him a name beyond "Small Bear with Big Head", which, to be honest, I don't think he appreciates very much.

If anyone has any name suggestions, I'm all for them. :) I've got nothing... I keep trying to figure out one for him, but then I get so annoyed that he's not as cute as he should have been, thanks to the nose trouble... that I just end up thinking "GraaRGH!" which... while amusing, probably isn't the best name for him.

Also, knittingturnip is having another giveaway! She's so generous!!
Click the image to go check it out:


  1. I LOVE your little koala bear!!! He's SOOOO CUTE!!! You know, if the nose was bothering you too much, which by the way I think it looks just fine as is :), you could always stitch right over it and then have the stitched nose you preferred. Anyhow, I think he's absolutely ADORABLE as is! Great job!!

  2. Aww Heather,
    He's so sweet! My bears told me that big heads are good - well, mine always end up with them anyways. He's a great step in using mohair and has such a cute personality!

    P.s. Candy corn arrived today! Hooray! it's yummy, if a little sugary. I'd say it tastes like a Honey Fudge to me.

    Will be in touch about sending you something back! It was really sweet of you - just got to think of something I can send you.

    *Bear Hugs*

  3. Lovely job, Heather! He's a cutie!
    Heaps of Hugs,
    Bingle Bears

  4. He is soooooooooo adorable!! I especially love the last pose you gave him!! Great work!!

  5. He's a real little sweetie pie!

  6. Hi Heather

    He is a too cute


  7. Thanks so much for all of the lovely comments!

    ... as you can see from my latest post, the faux fur and mohair versions of this bear turn out quite differently! So I'm going to have to cut out some more faux fur versions too!!!!
    (in case you can't tell, I love shading faces...)

    Kimi, that's good advice! I'll bet needle felting would be a fantastic template!!!
    I gave up on him having a stitched nose though, and gave the stitching to the mohair bear instead :)

    Julia, I agree!!! Big Heads all the way!!!
    I'm glad the candy corn made it... and that you liked it!! I was worried it wouldn't make it... international post can be so slow sometimes!!
