Day 7:
What do otters like?
He looks kinda neurotic about it, doesn't he... like maybe he's lost sleep over the issue?
★ ° ·. . · ° ° ·. . ·゜☆ ★ ° ·. . · ° ° ·. . ·゜☆
Day 7:
Ok, so I guess I've been doing this wrong and we aren't supposed to share our ideas...
for fear of people stealing them?
But I feel really lame not sharing anything,
so instead, I'll share a new Children's Book Illustrator that I love every day...
and I'll keep my super secret journal of extra brilliant ideas (ha...hahahahahahahahaha)
all to myself (hahaha... super brilliant ideas, I crack myself up.)
So, Picture Book Illustrator (and author) #1:
Steven Kellogg
Mr. Kellogg is just all around an awesome guy,
he seems to be all about the pets and the kids,
and I love that.
©StevenKellogg |
I have spent years pouring over his books as a child,
and his illustrations as someone who would love to be a children's book illustrator.
©StevenKellogg |
His work is jam packed with detail,
so each page can keep you entertained for quite some time.
©StevenKellogg |
Plus his stories are so whimsical and fun (and funny).
Here are a few of my favorites:
©Steven Kellogg |
★ ° ·. . · ° ° ·. . ·゜☆★ ° ·. . · ° ° ·. . ·゜☆
As per usual, the first sentence...
Day 7:
Val looked back over her shoulder, she was sure someone had
followed her when she left the café.